It has never been more important to focus on the quality of social homes
5 September 2024
Director of Policy and Research
A good quality home with access to good quality services is a foundation stone for a good life. It can help prevent and reduce illness, improve life chances, reduce the need for health and care services, and help tackle the challenge of climate change.
Quality Homes Conference: Preparing for Heat Network Regulation
22 August 2024
Policy Officer, NHF
Heat networks already supply thousands of homes across the UK with heat and hot water. This includes at least 150,000 social homes, with housing associations owning and managing these heat networks in many cases.
Predictive Maintenance and Beyond: Using AI to Enhance Home Quality
8 August 2024
Mobysoft Ltd
In the realm of social housing, ensuring high-quality maintenance and repair services is paramount to tenant satisfaction, especially in light of the recently implemented Tenant Satisfaction Measures.
Why better data is even more important for residents living with disabilities
11 July 2024
I am a social housing tenant living in North Kensington with mobility and sensory disabilities. I’m also tone deaf which makes it very difficult for me to hear everyday sounds such as phones, doorbells and crucially smoke, carbon monoxide and fire alarms.
The importance of legal ownership: an asset management and investment perspective
5 July 2024
Director, Rydeo Consulting Limited
A deep understanding of legal ownership is pivotal for effective asset management and attracting investment. Additionally, it is a fundamental yet overlooked strand to the foundations of the regulatory requirement to keep and maintain an accurate and up to date ‘Assets and Liabilities Register’.